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Where did you see anything in that post that said the family had final approval?

Posted by sjb on October 12, 2007 at 09:44:45:

It said JK worked closely (and slowly) with them on the book - to convince them of his honesty and probably to gain their trust and have them open up - and that they initially decided not to have the movie made and then 10 years later, when it was going to made by someone other than Penn, they decided to have it made.

The reason they initally rejected the film was because the mother had a dream in which the son said he didn't want it made. She told Sean Penn about it and he said... to paraphrase... "If I didn't respect dreams I wouldn't be making movies."

Sounds like you're in danger of letting those couple of paragraphs in the New Yorker taint your perception of this film.

"You can safely assume you have created God in your own image when he hates all the same people you do."