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We'll just have to disagree about this one...

Posted by Harmonia on February 19, 2008 at 21:04:00:

Stephanie Zacharek in her Salon review says pretty much everything I feel about CoM - only she says it much better than i ever could. (See below). There's not many modern movies I'm passionate about but this is one. Thrilling. To me, anyway.

This and Pan were the only films I saw in 2006 where I immediately wanted to run back in and see them again.

Clark and I and several others here will never get over CoM not being nominated for BP or Cuaron fro BD, though of course as I always say, there are far more great movies that didn't won the Oscar than there are great movies that did.

As for CoM, be careful how you interpret what's up on the screen - Cuaron deliberately leaves a lot open to interpretation by the viewer. CoM can be a difficult movie to read because it is so very dense (not necessarily complex, as it's essentially the story of one man's inner journery). The story is told primarily visually, much of it in the corners and margins of the frames. And there is a *lot* going on, if you read it. CoM infuriated hardliners on both the left and the right, a sure sign to me that it's doing something right. Finally, CoM is a genre film, and unashamed of the confines that imposes.

I'm delighted that HD DVD threw in the towel so now I can look forward to owning this someday sooner on BD. You can keep Babel, as I'll never want to own it.

Cuaron is my favorite Amigo, for this film, and for Y Tu Mama Tambien, HP3, The Little Princess and a very underrated (if slightly flawed) modern version of Great Expectations.