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"Day Watch," the sequel to "Night Watch." After

Posted by tinear on November 20, 2009 at 21:58:28:

twenty minutes, I put the film on medium-fast forward. Great special effects. And... Uma Thurman, Grace Kelly, Catherine Deneuve, Veronica Lake now have company in the most beautiful blonde actress sweepstakes: the Russian (or is she Ukrainian?) Mariya Poroshina. Lovely, talented, and certainly able to hold my interest for the 2 and a 1/2 hours.
In fairness, I have to say that this is a mess of a film, her beauty aside, but it does have some very nifty---VERY--- scenes. A motorcycle chase, a head-on truck game of chicken, and a cataclysmic event for Moscow. It is a visual feast and quite the equal of "2012," in that department.
Director Bekmambetov is a strange one: the narrative is ridiculously complex, convoluted even compared to the vastly inferior "TheMatrix."
I'll watch this again: it's obviously the work of a singular talent and not schlock like, again, "The Matrix" which takes itself way too seriously....