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"El Infierno" (The Hell): from Mexico comes the real deal: a truly

Posted by tinear on August 13, 2014 at 16:00:17:

captivating, cruel, and lifelike (deathlike?) tale of a drug dealer's life. No supermen who can win shootouts against armies of enemies; no heroic lifestyle with bravery transcendent; no false moralizing.
A man returns to his small pueblo in rural Mexico after spending 20 years in the US as a gardener. In his absence, his brother became feared cartel hit man, El Diablo, but he was murdered.
Trying at first to work for an old acquaintance in a straight job, he soon realizes that the only way to help his family is to follow the advice of his childhood best friend who himself has risen through the ranks of the local drug gang.
You haven't seen anything this gritty, realistic, and hard-hitting before.
Netflix streams it.