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"There are quite a few PS3 owners who use it strictly for movie watching." - I'd like to see actual figures.

Posted by Audiophilander on January 5, 2008 at 12:21:58:

In other words, I'm suggesting that the vast majority of PS3 game platforms will ONLY be used for the primary function that they were designed.

>>> "And the $98 firesales probably reinforced the principle: inexpensive = sales. Toshiba's advantage was they were quicker to bring economies of scales to their HD DVD players quicker than any of the BDA manufacturers. This was a temporary advantage, perhaps augmented by loss/low profit pricing strategies in an attempt to steal the market. There was a surge in Sony Blu-ray SA player sales when they dropped to $300. At the moment, there is actually price parity between the lowest priced Sonys and the Toshibas in the B&Ms I've visited recently." <<<

My point is that folks who bought the new HD players over the holidays probably thought that their purchase was going to be supported in the near term (at least for a couple of years down the line) by both manufacturers and product providers. Warner's rationale and belated announcement to "go Blue" after the holiday 'fire' sales may backfire for Blu-ray, and only serve to reinforce the publics distrust.
