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RE: Recommend IR receiver w/ 12v triggers

Posted by johnvb on February 10, 2008 at 07:13:07:

Goggle Xantech and Niles Audio; they both sell many products for 12v switching.

If your Calypso preamp has a switched power outlet, both companies sell setups that take 120volt input power, and output
12vdc. Or you can get the same results with a properly sized 120vac/12vdc wall wart; you will have to diy the 12vdc plug end.

If no switched outlet, they have current sensing attachments that can be setup to supply 120vac or 12vdc power. I have used the Xantech current sensing setup, and found that sometimes one component won't pull enough current to switch it on, I had mine sensing a power strip, with both a preamp and DVD player plugged into it.

If you want your Calypso preamp to turn on one amp, and the Anthem to turn on both, one way to do it would be to come up with a DPDT 12vdc relay (like a Radio Shack Pt. # 275-206), installed the circuit of the Calypso/Bat trigger. Use the NC (normally closed) contacts for the 12vdc from the Anthem, and use the NO (normally open) and coil contacts from the Calypso trigger source (whichever way you achieve this).

That way when the relay is de-energized, and the Anthem is sending out 12vdc, it will turn on the BAT. When the Calypso sends 12vdc to the relay, it will energize the NO contacts, and send 12vdc to the BAT.

Of course, check out the links above, one of the companies I mentioned may already have something like this, in a neat pre-manufactured package, for more $$$ I imagine :^)