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Converter?? Upgrad path?

Posted by Jeff Davison on February 10, 2008 at 12:14:00:

Have some "legacy" sources... vcr, Laser Disc, dvd, that still have a lot of good functional life left, as well as my acquired software to feed them.
I've been using a Harman Kardon Citation 5.0 AV controller with the composite video out to my (now antique)Ampro 2600 (i.e Zenith) overhead projector.

The Citation has wonderful surround sound and I really don't want to upgrade it as the audio fills my needs. It has both S-Video and Composite video outs.

I plan on buying a new Mitsubishi HC4900 that has DVI and HDMI inputs. Also, I'll be buying a HD-DVD or BluRay player as well as getting a HDTV box from my cable provider. Of which I will use the Citation for the audio.

So what I am looking for ( I know they exist from a web search) is recomendations for an S-video input to HDMI and/or DVI output device so I can use my existing equipment. Also I think I might need an A/B HDMI / DVI switch box to toggle between the converter and the HD sources.

Anyone been down this sort of upgrade path?.... there is no such thing as future proof ;^P

Jeff Davison