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RE: Blu-ray on Sony PS3 is nice but fan is noisy. Other Blu-ray players?

Posted by David Aiken on May 18, 2008 at 13:39:14:

From what I've seen on a couple of threads at AVScience, there is either some unit to unit variation in fan noise levels with PS3s, some variation in owner sensitivity to fan noise, or some of both of those things. There are more than a few people reporting concerns about noise levels and more than a few saying they have no problem.

I haven't noticed fan noise while playing a movie but I occasionally notice it when a movie is paused, and I sometimes find that loading discs seems noisy. I tried taking noise level measurements of my system with everything except the PS3 turned on, and then with the PS3 turned on and playing a movie but the receiver muted. It was hard to get reliable results because I could not get a static reading for the reading with the PS3 turned off, due to variations in ambient noise levels inside and outside the house. I was using the RS digital meter and the reading kept varying between "Low" and 49-52 dB. I didn't notice any "Low" readings with the PS3 turned on and playing, and the highest readings were still around the 52 dB mark so obviously mine is fairly quiet and adds only marginally to overall sound levels. If you have an SPL meter, you may like to try a similar test.

I think BD players are much more like computers than DVD players, and the PS3 is definitely a computer because of it's role as a games player. As with computers some things run hot, hence the fan and I can remember seeing fan outlet holes on the back of at least one other players in the photos I've seen.

David Aiken