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X1 PJ; would an upscaling DVD player make a difference?

Posted by grantv on January 3, 2009 at 08:32:46:

I still run my X1, going on 4 years this month. It has a Faroudja unit built in, but of course with 4 year old technology....
The manual states that one can input a 1080i feed into the VGA port with a breakout cable meant for that (component to VGA).
I don't have the funds to replace the PJ (will replace it when the bulb burns out), but would like to get the absolute best possible picture from it. I'm replacing my 84" 4:3 screen with a 110" 16:9 unit which is arriving around the 8th.
Would an upscaling DVD player be an advantage? What do the component outs go up to? I don't really buy movies (I've had DVD players since the very beginning and maybe have 25 movies in my room), rent only unless they're in the "same price as renting bin", as I really rarely watch a movie more than once (if that makes a dent in anybody's reply).
I'm also considering an HD cable box, but admittedly I don't watch TV down there too often (usually music or movies only), so not sure if I'll bother with this option.