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RE: Netflix --Connecting PC to TV

Posted by Gmood1 on October 30, 2009 at 21:26:38:

You can go to Hulu.com as well and watch older series of certain shows. It's free..you don't have to rent anything. Just download the Hulu desktop to your PC when you get it hooked up. The new Win 7 Media center also has internet TV. There's always shows on it to watch as well. All of this is free.

My family uses this a lot. We don't pay for cable anymore! I have my HTPC hooked to three displays. One 52 inch LCD flat panel, a 100 inch screen with projector and a 19 inch wide screen monitor. Correction, actually four displays connected to the HTPC..I also have an Media center extender(Xbox 360) in the bedroom connected to a 42 inch Plasma.

I miss all the shows because of my job. It's nice to watch them on a 100 inch screen while having the ability to stop them, come back the next day and start from where I left off! You can setup a projector and screen for less than a 50 inch plasma cost and still have plenty money left over. ;-)