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RE: You can try DVD Audio Extractor...

Posted by cfraser on September 8, 2011 at 14:18:24:

Thanks Russell.

Actually I subsequently found that I have tools, but I rip stuff in binges and must admit I a) forget what I have and b) forget how to use them. Now I forget what I was talking about...

I think you get the idea. The latest ripping binge has been because I got a SB Touch about a month ago. Most of my CDs and DVD-As were already done, but for some reason I never thought of my concert DVDs. Unfortunately I am SOL re the concert BDs as I (foolishly?) upgraded some DVDs to BDs and got rid of the concert DVDs...and I don't have a PC BD drive. Yes, next time I'll probably ask how to rip those...

Edit: one thing I found out today by snooping with the tools is that some of my DVDs have stereo 96/24 versions of the tunes that I never even knew were there. Bonus!

Edit again: just wanted to say that I did give the DVD Audio Extractor a try. I found it very intuitive/easy to use. Actually "replaces" 3 different tools I already had in that it does exactly what *I* need to do right now, with none of the "complicating" frills of the fancier utilities. Nice! The down side is it's about 10X slower, so the fancier progs have their place if you're doing a lot.