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Posted by jedrider on July 30, 2013 at 16:39:22:

Smart everything will work as they just require internet access which is a separate modem from the set-top boxes (set-top boxes are per-TV while internet/phone cable modems are per-household).

I've just looked into this matter (and no, they still haven't been able to initialize their boxes for me).

Basically, what they are doing is cutting off high-resolution service unless you pay extra and rent a box from them.

So, I am looking at going from $20/month to $55/month (because I am already a good customer of theirs and get internet/phone from them already).

That's extortion! I am now looking at how many stations I can receive off the air as I am in a valley! I REALLY don't care for anything offered on exclusive cable channels and just want most of my local stations, but in HIGH-RESOLUTION!