Is one coming soon, just wondering because I saw a stack of the version in a tin for <$10 when out video shopping. Where can I find out about stuff like this, so I don't buy something that's going to be replaced by say an anamorphic transfer in 2 months? Most places don't go far enough ahead. TIAI really enjoy certain AS movies, as I find him totally hilarious...I'm not sure if lots of his movies are meant to be comedies, but to me they fit in that category of comedies I can watch more than once. IMO he's a great straight man, made even better that he can't act. I guess I find the Coen bros. movies like that too, they just make me laugh (and I wish they'd hurry up with the couple I'm missing).
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Topic - High-brow alert! Total Recall-new version? - cfraser 19:29:54 08/10/02 (5)
- A.S. Classic: "well consider this a divworce" Bang *Pow* love that line... - Mrs. Piggy 15:03:20 08/12/02 (4)
- [KICK] "That's for making me come to Mars" . . . . [KICK] "You know how much I hate this f'n planet" - Mart 17:43:24 08/12/02 (0)
- Or: "I like you, so I'll kill you last...BANG!...I lied" - cfraser 16:16:15 08/12/02 (2)
- Don't know why--kinda reminds me of C. Eastwood's line - Mrs. Piggy 18:10:05 08/12/02 (0)
- or..."I had to drop him off"..nt...(thud) - late 17:20:32 08/12/02 (0)