Mine was getting old, so I looked at the current generation. Since my use of that setup is very, very limited, I decided to stay under $750. It turned out there were quite a few solid choices there.
So I ordered the Optoma HD27HDR, paid $579 delivered on Amazon. And delivery... I ordered it at 3pm on Saturday, and at 9am Sunday it was already in my hands!
So far I am quite impressed with it. It is very light, much lighter than the older models were, and its remove is a couple notches below cheesy, but the image is great and the brightness is superb.
One minor complaint - its zoom range is VERY, VERY limited, requiring rather precise positioning. It is just 1.10:1, which I find below mediocre. But if you have good position for it, based on your screen size, you will most likely love what it does to the image.
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Topic - Looking for new projector? - Victor Khomenko 05:45:41 04/22/19 (0)