In Reply to: The new season of Goliath is once again a winner! posted by TWB on October 10, 2019 at 15:10:15:
I liked the first season, but the second was just OK, a big step down, I thought.
The third was a big disappointment to me. It reminded me of "Gotham", with all its totally improbably, and frankly - teenage-silly, situations.
The first season was real, it was gritty and realistic.
I agree on Billy Bob - and the others... they did marvelous job, but they just could not save that white elephant.
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Follow Ups
- Two too many - Victor Khomenko 12:01:42 10/16/19 (2)
- The writing was a bit uneven, and certainly as I mentioned before.... - TWB 12:50:14 10/16/19 (1)
- Yes, new screenwriters, for sure - Victor Khomenko 18:43:48 10/16/19 (0)