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RE: There was something in her voice . God speed!

I didn't mean to be flip - I am not happy about her death or anything. It's just that in later years her views, as with Roseanne Barr, became something that marred my view of them.

Part of being a Movie Star was that you never got to know them - they were "STARS" and their persona became intertwined with their best characters and the characters are who we, the audience identify.

Some of the actors on M*A*S*H for instance claimed to have said that they loved Radar but loathed Burgoff (the actor who played Radar).

So I suppose similarly I will miss Rebecca on Cheers but not so much the actress.

I am not really alone here BTW. Plenty of people "cancel" singers/actors due to their political leanings. The Dixie Chicks made an off-hand remark (and a correct one) about Bush - they were cancelled by the redneck right.

I will still watch an episode of Cheers. I didn't run out and burn my DVDs like those Dixie nuts who burned their CDs.

With Kirstie - it's hard because she was a MAGA, QAnon, Anti-Vaxxer, Scientologist. For me - it's just hard to like that package.

Edits: 12/05/22 12/08/22

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  • RE: There was something in her voice . God speed! - RGA 22:08:58 12/05/22 (0)


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