Films/DVD Asylum

"Glass", an M Night Shyamalan (sp) sequel. A good one.

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This is a follow up to MNS's first from about a decade ago, "Unbreakable, and has two returning characters -- Bruce Willis as "Unbreakable, and Sam Jackson as "Glass". These story lines seem to be MNS's spin on comic book heroes; more of a parody of them. The psychology of it all is a bit thick, at least for me, but I think anyone can discern enough to make it work. These two are representatives of good and bad, with neither portrayed as "right", but both (and the world) needing each other.

The story line is decent enough, but the gem of this flick is a third character, James MacElvoy, portraying a multi-personalitied, homicidal, raving nut case. He carries it brilliantly, with many various players popping in and out of his head with instant change. Each one with its own vivid quirks. Its just stunning to watch him do this; great acting.

See this one for MacElvoy's performance(s). Well worth it.

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