Films/DVD Asylum

"The White Tiger:" exceptional film from India--- with an Oscar

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worthy performance in the lead.

A young lower-caste guy in a village has ambition--- but Indian society says, very strongly and lethally, "Stay in the place where you were born, stay in the class you were born into!" Nah, not this guy. He pushes himself forward to become the chauffeur of the region's landowning elite--- and then the fun starts. His boss is an American educated brahmin--- but he's recently married his Indian-American girlfriend who finds "all this class stuff is nonsense."

So far, so good--- until one night, on a dark road in the most impoverished part of town, after a raucous late-night party, there is a car accident on the way home. From here on out, the tension, violence, and sense of foreboding increases.

This is the most POWERFUL film I can remember. It's great as entertainment, but it has a lot to say about subservience to power and liberty. NOT preachily, but practically.

Highest recommendation. A Great film. On Netflix.

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