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Worst, most implausible movie Duh-mestic Disturbance

When no one believed the kid that he had seen a murder, I turned it off.
In rea life, the cops would have asked the kid "What did it look like in the murder scene?"
Cops: "Where did he lay the body?"
"On a movable cart that he rolled right up to the kiln, that he opened and loaded the body into, leaving the cart right infrotn of the kiln".
They open the place, that's exactly how it looks.
No way kid would know that without having seen it.

Then, when they find the murderer owns/has access to this exact spot?'
"You're under arrest!"

How about when cops find a key on the murderer's keyring to the warehouse? How would kid have known that?
Backpack would have left metal fragments.
Smell of burning corpse would have filled the room.
Stabbing the victim would have produced spray around the inside of the truck. Luminol and ultra-violet light would have revealed tiny droplets of blood in the cab.
Tire tracks in warehouse matching the truck (raining, remember?)
Where did shank (murder weapon) go? Kiln? Leaves the metal shank behind.

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Topic - Worst, most implausible movie Duh-mestic Disturbance - Duilawyer 16:14:14 06/02/02 (2)

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