Home Films/DVD Asylum

Movies from comedy to drama to your favorite Hollyweird Star.

I still go to theaters, but there are many good reasons for choosing otherwise.

Let me list a "few" distractions which can make the theater going experience less than pleasant (no particular order):

*cell phones

*babies crying (anywhere in the theater)

*people talking (inconsiderately, over dialogue)

*obnoxious teens (intentionally disrupting audience concentration, usually to impress their friends or dates)

*bad prints (occasionally, even on new releases)

*improper volume setting for type of film (too high or low)

*failure to turn down seating lights until movie is well under way

*gum, popcorn & cokes spilled on theater floors

*unexpected projector problems (rare, but it has happened)

*a) weak bladders (occasionally guilty of this myself; especially if I have the jumbo collosal size drink during the first quarter of the movie, but unlike the home-theater experience you can't pause the theatrical release film for a brief personal intermission)

*b) weak bladders (even if you like center seating as my wife and I do, you often have people stepping over your feet during the last 1/3 of the film in a rush to get out of the theater)

*general mischief & mayhem (this can be any of a plethora of occurances which can make the movie going experience a truly unique event, such as nauseating bad odors, belatedly finding gum in your seat or someone accidentally spilling their beverage on you)

Don't get me wrong, I'm not lobbying against theaters (i.e., although there are times when the lobby is the safest place to be!), but I think you're taking too hard a position against the home-theater experience, and it's just as relevent, IMHO!


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