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I'd like to jump on this bandwagon

Let me first just say that I was desperate to like this movie. Here is my list of what was wrong with TPM.

1. Lucas completely undermined his own story -- Wars-Empire-Jedi were all about the triumph of man over machine, faith over science. Now we find out that the Force is nothing but blood-borne microbes? Where's the mystery, the spirituality?

2. The lack of a well defined villain. Darth Vader, from the first time he came on camera, was a constant, terrifying presence. Darth Maul looked cool, but was really nothing but an attack dog.

3. Plot holes so big you could drive a truck through them -- How did a teenager get "elected" queen? I think this was a lame attempt to show that the good guys were a democracy (how pc of you, George).

4. The lack of a charismatic lead. Without the swagger of Han Solo, or even the teen-rebellion angst of Luke Skywalker, TPM had nobody the viewer could identify with. I was crushed when Obi-Wan was cut down in Star Wars, and yet felt nothing when Qui-Gon bought the farm.

5. The part of Anikin Skywalker was simply too young. A thirteen-year-old, going through puberty and developing his first crush on Amidala would have made Anakin's descision to leave his mother behind a bit more believable. How Lucas is ever going to get the Queen to fall for someone ten years her junior will be interesting to say the least.

Just my $.02

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