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Hollywood has ALWAYS been about $.

There has always been lots of bad movies. It doesn't matter which decade is your favorite, lots of junk movies were made then too.

The difference is: TIME.

Time has allowed the bad movies to disappear. All those awful serials and lame sci-fi and horror movies are lost forever. All the bad comedies that relied on current events and "in-jokes" of the times that are meaningless today. 1000's of corny westerns that told the same story of range and indian wars over and over again were made. All gone.

What remains are the great films of those times. Consider yourself lucky that you don't have to watch all the really bad movies from the 60s or 30s. Figure that there's maybe 100 great films from every decade. For every one that survives today there were 100 that sucked and didn't deserve to survive.

Today is no different. Do you really think that anyone will be watching Resident Evil, Freaky Friay or Bad Boys II in even 10 years, let alone 50? Not a chance. Just like in 1934 or 64, it's about making a quick buck.

There are great American films being made today by a handfull of great directors like The Coens, PT Anderson, David O Russell and others. Enjoy them and ignore the rest.

Yeah, Gladiator and Braveheart won the oscar. But so did Ben Hur. The more things change, the more they stay the same.

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