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How does one express the pleasure of watching the 8 1/2?

Well, maybe one doesn't even try. Maybe one simply lets the movie carry him, surrounded by music of sounds and images.

WYBE had it on tonight, and what a treat! Forget the jetlag, forget the overdrawn bank accounts and blown tires, and simply spent two unforgettable hours.

Sometimes it doesn't make sense to say much. My wife and I only exchanged a few words as the credits started to roll... the emotions that movie creates are so clear and universal it is pointless to attempt to express them... two people can just look at each other and smile - no words needed.

As I was typing this, my wife ran into the room humming the unforgettable Nino Rota's score - she now wants that CD... I think I will oblige.

How can one describe the firework or brilliance during the last scenes? The image of the giant structure has been permanently burned into my memory for the last thirty some years... today it's gotten brighter.

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    Topic - How does one express the pleasure of watching the 8 1/2? - Victor Khomenko 19:38:49 03/13/04 (5)

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