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Re: Giancarlo Giannini vs. Ms. Thomas

Like you, I share an inexplicable fascination with Ms. Scott-Thomas. I saw Random Hearts on the big screen. My wife dragged me along; she had a very small part. I remember being very frustrated with the film and thinking that there were a few good pieces of a potentially great story. But, for the most part, the film was rolling with cliches -- the daughter breaks into tears while drying the dishes and drops a china plate (who hand washes and dries dishes any more?) cop drives a big Harley, etc. etc. Harrison Ford is a movie star not an actor. Like all movie stars, he plays himself -- a character in the story who is identical to the actor. You expect too much.
I thought Ms. Scott-Thomas' talents were obviously wasted in this film. I found English Patient more enjoyable to watch and Horse Whisperer a better demonstration of her talent (marred, of course, by having to play opposite a movie star rather than an actor).

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