Home Films/DVD Asylum

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"The Insider'

In honor of Mike Wallace's announcement of his retirement, I watched "The insider" last night. I had almost forgotten what a powerful film it is. Al Pacino plays a "60 Minutes" producer who seduces former tobacco scientist Russell Crowe to spill the tobacco industrry's dirty little secrets on air. After Crowe has so testified, the network caves in to intense pressure from toacco giant Brown and Williamson and cuts Crowe's commesnts from the program. In the meantime Crowe loses his job, his house, his wife, and his family. Christopher Plummer is excellent in his role as Wallace. A brooding musical score contributes and enhances this well written, directed, and acted taut tale. Highly recommended.

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Topic - "The Insider' - rico 09:07:34 03/18/06 (1)

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