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Miami Vice at a matinee -- it was OK.

On a 96 degree day I fo' sho' appreciated the AC!

Unlike many I had no trouble following the plot, and like most I found Gong Li a joy.

However: Where was Miami? The TV show once went to Manhattan, but otherwise it remained beautifully local. This film had us more in foreign ports than in the old home town.

And what was the deal in Cuidad del Este? Unbeknownst to many, that town is the center of terrorist planning for the Americas and thus deserves some screen time, but the flash that was passed was shown to contain the police profiles of Crockett and Tubbs -- so I expected that info to pop up later, much to their chagrin, but it never did. (I have read that more shooting, as it were, was planned for C. del Este but budget restraints forbade it, so maybe MM just wanted to use some already-shot colorful footage.)

Also the two partners had zilch humor between them. You don't have to be a wisecracking Bruce Willis type to make light occasionally, as all partners do. But, nada.

No one has complained about the digital aspect. I do! I hate it! And dark as the exposure was, the digital defects were magnified; the definition was low and the grain was high. Fie!

I liked the Jose character. And he did deliver on his promise of, "You don't want to know how much I know." But who besides myself misses Izzy?

The opening disco scene looked real, Crockett's affair with dragon lady did not. Nor did I ever get an emotional connection with Trudi.

Overall, I managed to kill a coupla hours and get my money back; the print at the big AMC, after four days, was seriously damaged; the M.O.D. falsely told me there was no replacement available. In the old days our local operator General Cinema, who went under, could be called and they would get someone on the case immediately. Also the woofers in this THX house were bottoming out; the M.O.D. didn't believe me.

A letter shall ensue.


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Topic - Miami Vice at a matinee -- it was OK. - clarkjohnsen 08:19:27 08/02/06 (4)

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