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The Prestige

I thought it odd enough that a 2nd Truman Capote movie came out a year after Capote. And now, just a few weeks after seeing the Illusionist, another period piece on magicians, covering many of the same issues of what is real and what is illusion.

Christopher Nolan made Memento, and his style seems to be to chop and scramble the time sequence, causing some viewer confusion. In the end, however, this structure adds a satisfactory sense of solving the puzzle as you can think back and put all the pieces together.

There are 2 magicians in late 19th century London, who have become bitter rivals and enemies. They are in competition primarily through the master trick that they both do. Both are intensely interested in the method of the other.

This is a puzzle type of movie, rather like The Illusionist and it would be a mistake to say too much about it. Scarlett Johansson does a good job as an assistant who may be in love or may be betraying either or both magicians.

Unlike The Illusionist, which is a fairly straightforward story, this movie asks some provocative questions about sacrifice in the service of art. I could not say more without revealing too much.

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Topic - The Prestige - tunenut 20:04:23 10/21/06 (10)

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