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Suburban Hayhem

This is an ugly Australian film about ugly people.
The underclass of loser brats inhabiting cheap rental estates in emdless suburban sprawls around our cities.
Courtney Love's worse sister gone bad.
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I was expecting a soccer mom Sin City but this is something else. Half shot as a doco about the woman/girl whose brother is doing life and whose father has been murdered, half as the actual events.
Katrina is a self centred black hole of a teenager so dumb that she believes her brother when he jokes his friend would kill his father for a blowjob.
Around her are an assortment of the sort of guys who think they look like Brad Pitt, spend endless weekends under cars they never drive and
Can't think when they can see a pair of tits.
The film drags you through a difficult even painful series of events as Katrina's fury with the world reaches its inevitable conclusion.
Her hatred is frightening as are the ways she will turn anything to avoid her being in th wrong as she abandons friends family boyfriend and baby in the attempt to free her brother from prison.
Wow. If you are elsewhere, this film could almost put you off visiting Australia.
See this film. See it sober. You certainly will be afterwards.

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Topic - Suburban Hayhem - dave c 22:25:27 10/27/06 (2)

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