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Saw the Departed last night.

My wife and I liked it. Definately better than most movies that are out now (haven't see Little Miss Sunshine), but one of the greatest ? Who knows.

Nicholson has perfected the art of sonambulism. It appears that he hasn't changed much since About Schmidt and that role was very much a a caricature. He's the big persona that everyone in the audience is initially attracted to, but really, by the middle of the movie most of the other actors have surpassed him.

DiCaprio does an outstanding job in depicting barely controlled rage tinged with vulnerability. I would not be surprised if he gets an Oscar nod. He was believable and made you feel anxious when he was onscreen- none of the other actors were able to evoke that kind of reaction among the audience. It will be interesting to see if DiCaprio develops further as an actor.

Matt Damon does a good job depicting the alpha who for most of the movie knows he is invulnerable. He excudes cockiness and bravura, but still lets you know there is considerable depth below the surface. Will this role resurrect him as actor, who knows ?

Marky Mark was a single dimension, but then again that was his character. Didn't expect the final twist though and that does add a bit to understanding his characters motivation.

Martin Sheen was the sacrificial lamb, but he could have done much more with his role. You know his character is honest and serious, but you no sense of his character's motivation. I expected more out of Sheen.

Famigia (sp?), aka Madalyne; was generic. Any number of actresses could have played her with equal effectiveness.

Alec Baldwin's character was a buffoon and he played it well; maybe it was easy for him ?

Liked the plot (I have not seen the Hong Kong original- may rent it this winter). While the begining hinted at it, by the end it was bluntly obvious that all of the main characters were really the same even though they appeared to be working seperate angles. This point I think, could have been presented with more sublty by Scorcese. By the end you feel that you have been bludgeoned with the reality. Maybe he thought that most audiences would not get it ? If so, then he really has fallen as a director, or at least has lost confidence in his ability.



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Topic - Saw the Departed last night. - Ross 07:47:26 10/29/06 (31)

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