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"Flight 93"

This is a recnsturct of the events involving the so-called "fourth plane" on 9/11, the one that passengers forced to crash in rural Pennsylvania in an attempt to thwart the hijackers' plan to crash the 'plane into a Washington D.C. building, either the Capitol or the White House. The events are presented in a straight forward manner, and some of the real air traffic personel reanact their roles. It is very interesting to see various people all over the country try to piece together exactly what is going on in real time and it is of course frustrating to see the lack of communication between the various authorities, particularly the civilians and the military. Of course the events on the plane are largely from conjecture but are presented in a realistic manner that does represent the probable way thnigs went down\. I found this a more moving tribute to 9/11 evetnts than Oliver Stone's "World Trade Center", although both films are respectful and non-exploitive.

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Topic - "Flight 93" - rico 09:34:17 10/30/06 (0)

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