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Double bill: Shaun Of Th e Dead/ Team America - World Police

Shaun Of The Dead
This shocking indictment of British society... I'm sorry, this downbeat send up of Romero's famous films is a worthwhile TV or rental but it would be a serious fan who wanted to own it. Although it does stretch the joke, enough moments work well enough to keep it funny. Its the very Britishness of it, all cups of tea and sandwiches which makes it. The early scene (SPOILER) where our hero walks to the shops with such a hnagover that he doesn't notice the zombies and destruction around him is great.

Team America - World Police
This shocking indictment of American foreign policy... errrr I mean this Southpark meets Thunderbirds puppet comedy of the war on terrorism is another wet afternoon treat. Keep a good supply of beers and pizza handy! I particularly like the North Korean leader who might as well be called Cart Man Ill. It has just about every standard cliche of the genre right down to the songs (SPOILER) "AMERICA! Fuck Yeah!"'
Given its been raining all day, and we need that, but given its a stay at home kind of day, these have been a good hoot this afternoon.

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Topic - Double bill: Shaun Of Th e Dead/ Team America - World Police - dave c 22:52:01 11/03/06 (3)

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