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Children of Men: Another Future Darkly Spectacle

What was the point of the drab, gritty, violent, discouraging film? I mean, it did have somewhat of a plot and lots of shocks so it did have good pace....but to what purpose?

We have all been "Mad Maxxed" to the max and this is one more log on the doomsday bonfire. Politely said, the world is Bosnia, the world is shit. The fact that no woman could conceive past 2008 can only have mystical or theological reasons which where were not addressed. Then, without explanation in the year 2027, a young woman is knocked-up! Now, the race is on to get her to the "good guys" before she is used as a propaganda tool for the "Fish" or the British Government.

Our man Clive is entrusted to get her to safety. He is recruited to the effort by his ex, Julianne Moore, and further assisted by Michael Caine. Clive does catch fire "with doing the right thing" and they set off to deliver her to the elusive "Human Project".

There's lots of explosions, shooting, and misery. With typical British cheek Caine is the "last hippie" and Clive's brother (Danny Huston) lives in the four-stacked factory from the Pink Floyd album "Animals" complete with flying pigs.

If this was supposed to be a pre-apocalyptic wake up it's too late. You've seen plenty of them before---not to take away from the actors.

Grits: "Rewarding, very, very, VERY REWARDING!"

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Topic - Children of Men: Another Future Darkly Spectacle - mr grits 14:04:10 01/07/07 (9)

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