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Favorite underdog performances.....

...of past year:

1. John C. Reilly as "world's best friend" in Talladega Nights - He really nailed this
character and had great fun doing it. Inspired. Is there anything this guy can't do?
2. Sacha Baron Cohen as Borat.... - A tour de force. So good he worked himself out of the
3. David Bowie as Tesla in The Prestige - No longer a rock star sidelining as actor; he
quietly became a MAN.
4. Toby Jones and Daniel Craig as Capote and killer in Infamous - I believed them and
believed in them during their prison visit scenes together.
5. Christopher Plummer as behind the scenes powerbroker in Syriana - He could play
such a role in his sleep but has as much thespian integrity as anyone I've ever seen.
I hope he never dies. For his body of work he deserves to be mentioned among the
alltime greats.

I could name more but these are some that have stuck with me.

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Topic - Favorite underdog performances..... - afilado 09:44:30 01/18/07 (0)

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