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Breaking And Entering: Crash Pt.2 and its got Ray Winstone

Well it wants to be Crash Pt.2 and RW's part is quite small.
There is also an odd almost humourous element near the start, but this story of modern London is about dislocation and eventually it falls into place, for me at any rate.
Breaking And Entering. Crime. Hearts. Lives. Societies. Cities.
London is a melting pot going molten. Its dirty, busy, and being redeveloped. There are Moslems and Serbs from Sarajevo, Swedes, Somalis, Japanese, West Indians and even a few Brits, whatever they are, and that is just the people in the film.
An architectural firm is broken into repeatedly and Jude Law finds something is lost but after following one of the young burglars, discovers something found as well.
The soundtrack, some of it from Underworld, hangs in the air giving a heavy atmosphere and the final credits with Sigur Ros kind of sums the film up.
Its reach is greater than its grasp. I don't think it is as good as Crash but I found myself getting involved in it and that is good.
Just not THAT good.

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Topic - Breaking And Entering: Crash Pt.2 and its got Ray Winstone - dave c 01:27:37 01/19/07 (0)

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