Home Films/DVD Asylum

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"Mrs. Miniver"

William Wyler directed (and wrote part of) this 1942 classic, which was nominated for five Oscar acting awards (Greer Garson won as Best Actress). A favorite of Winston Chrchill because of its decided pro-England stnce in the early days of World War II, it tells the story of a rural married British couple and their children as war is declared and then comes close to their home life. The vicar's speech toward the end was used as a propiganda device at President Rooselvelt's request. A very enjoyable film on all counts. It's ironic that Garson didn't want the role but contractually had to accept it. Remade for TV in 1960 but I haven't seen that one.

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Topic - "Mrs. Miniver" - rico 12:41:31 01/21/07 (1)

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