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Re: Disagree, JG. The detective in L'Humanite was a dullard, to the

"You may wish to listen to what the director said about the copulation scene: he felt both experienced great pleasure."

I am not sure how the director knows what pleasure the horses received. Certainly, horses, or any animals, are not known to engage in sexual activity for the sake of engaging in sexual activity. Rather, it is for pro-creation. If you are referring to both human participants, again, I am not sure what he is referring to. Certainly pleasure takes many forms. Did she receive sexual pleasure? Or the pleasure of knowing that she was helping him to achieve whatever goals he was attempting to achieve?

I do not know whether our subject experienced pleasure, and neither does the director, although he certainly knows what he intended. I do know that the artist weeps at the end of the act because he cannot "seal the deal." He propositions her for sex, with no foreplay. She agrees, I suspect, because she senses he is desperate. Is he attracted to her, physically? He certainly cares for her, but I am not sure that this is the same as him being attracted to her. His proposition of sex was certainly not for her benefit, but his. The act which follows simply has him taking care of the plumbing. He certainly was not concerned with how she felt (shall we change positions, dear?)

"point of Inspector Cloueau-clone. Indeed, he was so mule-like one couldn't imagine him being even a "meter-maid." Attempt to awaken their emotions?"

The point is that he has never experienced life (love, hate, lust, etc.), that his only knowledge of those things comes from living vicariously through others. He is certainly capable of such emotions, I presume all humans are. In Japon, remember, this man was looking for this little town because this former artist wanted to commit suicide. I suspect the director made him a former artist because I presume it would be easier for an artist to become detached from life - so much energy expended to viewing and drawing other people' their lives, and their scenes, that they stop to actually live their own lives. Or become envious of those lives they watch.

As a result, he wants to commit suicide. Why? He has been a spectator in life, much as the detective in L'Humanite was a spectator. They may have traveled different roads, but they wound up in the same place - no emotional involvement or attachment with anyone. I think that he feels he is done spectating, and death is the next logical step.

"The artist became deeply attracted to the woman. She brought him back, literally and figuratively, from the edge."

Sort of what I wrote before. He objects to her family dismantling her building. But was this because of love? Because he felt she was being taken advantage of? Which does not require love, only sympathy. Because he dislikes her family? He certainly did not risk life and limb to intercede.

"The act of life-giving is an affirmation, after all, and it "created" something in him."

I am not sure what "life giving" you are referring to. He certainly did not commit suicide. I suspect his feeling were more paternalistic. Which is certainly an improvement from where he came, and I do not think I wrote otherwise.

"There was plenty of emotion in his plaintive request and in her response. The sex scene is one of the most tender possible, with her demure acquiescence and patience and his surprising difficulties and gentleness."

Perhaps our experiences in this regard are different. He asks her for sex, clearly for his purposes, not hers, and clearly because it is the last stop on his train of life. That she agrees says more about her than him. But she is not a participant beyond making herself available to him. She spreads, he plops on top, and tries to finalize their arrangement. Anything but tender. I do not mean slobbering on each other, but some communication beyond him working on her plumbing. I dunno' bout you, but I am usually interested if my signifcant other got anything out of the transaction.

I found the scene treating sex as an exercise, which is not a comment on the scene itself. I think it is a perfectly logical scene in light of what has come before, and why he finds himself in this town. Any other depiction of that scene would have been illogical. But tender it ain't. Unless shedding tears because he, and not her, was unable to get his rocks off is "tender."

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