Home Films/DVD Asylum

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"Red Angel:" from the unfairly neglected Japanese giant, Masumura.

A nurse, during the Japanese invasion of Manchuria, is brutally attacked in her first assignment at a hospital behind the front. Soon, she is sent to a battlefield station and works with a doctor who has had all feeling relentlessly driven from him by the misery and his inability to help the dying and wounded.
Sounds pretty bleak, huh?
Well, it is the peculiar genius of Masumura, combined with the outstanding performances of both the doctor and nurse, that give this film both the flavor and the aftertaste of Greek tragedy: in the direst of circumstances, before the greatest of tests, human dignity, honor, and love needn't be surrendered.
No, not an easy film to watch but one which you may never want to forget.
Or cannot.

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Topic - "Red Angel:" from the unfairly neglected Japanese giant, Masumura. - tinear 05:17:24 02/13/07 (0)

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