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Re: Rico - Did you know this "One-Eyed Jacks" fact? ...

Yes, I did know that and I have heard/read that a longer "cult" version of the film has or is circulating in parts of Europe but I have never been able to get any more information on this. The studio also made Brando film another ending, the one we now see where Brando/Rio meets with Maria at the beach. Formerly, the film ended not only with Rio and the girl riding away out of Monterey but with the wounded and dying Malden/Dad shooting at them and hitting Maria.

Thanks for thinking of me. Iam still waiting for a decent DVD transfer of the film, having tried all three of the Region I versions currently available.

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  • Re: Rico - Did you know this "One-Eyed Jacks" fact? ... - rico 09:19:11 02/18/07 (0)

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