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To say one needs to see the whole thing to comment on content is nonsense. Its not like they've kept it a secret.The trailers and HBO thing provide plenty to base an assessment upon. And the reviews tend to bear me out; 30 minutes of prelims in Sparta, then 90 minutes of repetitive slash n' spurt; apparently way too much of it in slow-mo. My vid game assessment comes from the overall video game look, the over-use of CGI, and the cartoonish buckets of spurting blood every time someone gets stuck or slashed.

I was actually surprised by the crudeness of the drawings in the comic book. I have no issues with people enjoying Miller's comic book art, but for Pete's sake, how about some perspective.

I have other thematic issues with glorifying Spartan culture with little exposure of its core brutality. Its rather like portraying hard core Nazis as heroes because they may have demonstrated loyalty and courage in battle. When this kind of distortion is directed at young men, it should be worrisome, as the many posts in the IMdB "300" forum about how cool it is to be a "badass" demonstrate.

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