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Last King of Scotland

Well, I thought it was really good, except that of course, it is a movie about Idi Amin, but they don't make movies about black people, so its about a white guy who knew Amin. The one thing that stands out alongside the great acting, is the sound. There were clever mixes of voices that were saying indistinguishable murmurs, similar to Dark Side of the Moon, when Amin is interrogating the white guy, Dr. Gallegher. And a couple of cool bounces of gun shots out of the rear speakers, and lots of people screaming out of the rears during the torture scenes. Very aggresive mixing. One scene on the DVD had a shirt being ripped off our hero, and you can hear the button go boucing off stage right. Well done, never dull and Forest Whitaker's accent was XLNT.

Anyway, good movie, should be on a double bill with "Rescue at Entebbe".

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Topic - Last King of Scotland - Duilawyer 22:05:25 03/21/07 (7)

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