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The Departed - an OK second-rate action flick

Something for those evenings when you have nothing better to do and it is still too early to go to bed.

By no means from the category of "serious" films, and as far as the Best Film... give me a break.

Some here came down hard on it, and while it deserves great dose of it, it is not a "horrible" film, as far as the second-rate ones go.

What is interesting... I hate Leonardo, but this was the first film where I actually liked him. While Nicholson perhaps still dominated the film, albeit using his too-trademarkish and too-familiar tricks, Leonardo gave possibly the best performance. The director made him do things that were not conducive to good deep acting, and he still managed to raise above it. Let's face it - there is not much depth to his character, but given its limitations he did a superb job.

The plot is tortured and not much to write home about, just enough to keep you mildly entertained without getting you involved, it is so superficial it hardly deserves any serious critique. I suppose the director expected the tired idea of two twins separated at birth working on two sides of a great divide to have enough legs to carry the film... well, that didn't happen. It IS tired and it had been done better before... making them sleep with the same girl was definitely NOT a mark of a genius. Superficial, obvious effects that should not be present in anything claiming serious status. Good enough for a high school production, perhaps, otherwise from the category of cheap tricks that add nothing.

This film would be lost in the stream of violent action kaka you see on certain TV channels, even if in reality it is above most of them. Such is its fate.

A forgettable experience, that might still be better than what Patrick is going through - his wife brought home Borat.

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    Topic - The Departed - an OK second-rate action flick - Victor Khomenko 06:01:14 03/27/07 (41)

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