Home Films/DVD Asylum

Movies from comedy to drama to your favorite Hollyweird Star.

"A Film that will Live in Infamy"- Daily Variety

"Like a Giant Cereal Commercial"- NY Post
"Pearl Vets give Pearl Thumbs down"-NY Post
"Never Have So Many Spent So Much on so Little"-NY Times
"A Dumb, Soulless Behemoth"- Associated Press
""Incoherent, Jingoistic, Timid, Naive and Ultimately Inconsequential"-NewCityChigago.com
"Big Budget Roman Candle Bombs"-St Petersburg Times
"Simplistic, Cliche - Ridden..Bombs have the Best Part"-South Florida Sun Sentinel
"A Dud ... Like Every Overblown TV Miniseries You've Hated Yourself for Having Been Suckered Into"- Orlando Sentinel

OK-The jury is still out on this film.

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