Whimsical documentary by Werner Herzog about the communities in Antarctica. Very beautiful film with an interesting viewpoint from Herzog who's view is askew but delightfully so. Interviews with the people there including scientists and bus drivers who all have interesting stories. Herzog explains himself as the guy who is interested in the question of why, if ants keep plant lice for pets and food source, chimpanzees don't ride lesser animals like horses.
One caveat: the film is slow moving with very slow/peaceful music of the new-age type you would hear at a massage. If you are tired, this movie will make you sleep. Recommended heartily for insomniacs! Otherwise, it is still recommended for its beauty, insight and whimsy.
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Topic - Encounters At the End of the World - Daryl Zero 08:40:23 09/01/08 (1)
- Werner is the most interesting (and probably prolific) documentary - tinear 08:53:37 09/01/08 (0)