Not that I expect any film connoisseurs to admit watching it. I was as surprised at how well Meryl Streep sang as at how very badly Brosnan did. I thought MM was a real hoot; the big "dance to the dock" is the best movie musical number since "Chorus Line".We're chasing terrorists in the wrong place...they're on Wall St.
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Topic - Did Streep sing her part in Momma Mia? - DWPC 15:21:20 02/25/09 (9)
- This film connoisseur watched it... - mkuller 19:35:52 02/25/09 (2)
- I certainly posted how enjoyable it was...IS!!! - dave c 16:29:55 02/26/09 (0)
- it still pains me - PhilJ 12:29:56 02/26/09 (0)
- Heavily borrowing from Bollywood I think. nt - dave c 19:16:14 02/25/09 (2)
- Bollywood is borrowing from our earlier song and dance films...(nt) - mkuller 12:03:39 02/26/09 (1)
- especially Elvis movies I think. nt - dave c 12:19:29 02/26/09 (0)
- I am such a big ABBA fan that I saw it - Brian A 18:21:56 02/25/09 (1)
- Well, I guess the hinges are off the closet now. * - mr grits 20:29:19 02/25/09 (0)
- Yes. nt - tinear 17:58:55 02/25/09 (0)