In Reply to: Of course I draw a line. "Funny Games" had no ultra-violent scenes posted by tinear on March 10, 2010 at 08:08:44:
I really can't think now of any movie where the sadistic violence was needed for anything other than shock effect. As I get older I have less and less desire to see horror, but that is me, I am not forcing this on anyone. If someone wants to see horror, let's be it. However, creating horror and showing sadistic acts is most definitely not the same thing. Some of my most horrific experiences came from the scenes with no blood, no violence - like the open door shot in M.
Using gratuitous depiction of acts of violence (and they are ALL gratuitous), is simply pandering to the lowest common denominator, to idiots whose low intellectual development prevents them from understanding any more subtle language.
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Follow Ups
- RE: Of course I draw a line. "Funny Games" had no ultra-violent scenes - Victor Khomenko 11:07:43 03/10/10 (0)