In Reply to: My problem with Netflix: I spent several hours going through lists of best films compiled by many posted by tinear on September 8, 2010 at 11:11:54:
So Netflix is not perfect... this is not a revelation. So if you are doing a research on Shruzumbe film industry of the nineties you will have to look elsewhere, granted.
Take it for what it is, an incredible library of about 120,000 titles, portion of which are available streaming.
Look at the deal you get - for $9 you can have unlimited streaming, plus one-at-a-time DVD service! Where else can you get something even approaching this?
The ability to watch the film, stop, switch to another, resume, replay, etc all day long, all for $9?
Like WOW!
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Follow Ups
- Jesus... best lists by "respected" critics... you are so unsure of yourself? - Victor Khomenko 11:26:30 09/08/10 (4)
- Yes, Netflix is terrific, I know, I know. But they just don't have the films I - tinear 12:20:59 09/08/10 (3)
- "I'm not that much of a democrat........... " LOL! I agree here! - Victor Khomenko 13:35:07 09/08/10 (2)
- Some problems have no solutions! I guess I'll die not having seen many films, but who knows? - tinear 15:07:46 09/09/10 (1)
- RE: S I think that by now we have seen the best films. - patrickU 13:03:56 09/12/10 (0)