In Reply to: The second badest film of the decade. Reeves in: The day the Earth stand still - posted by patrickU on February 14, 2011 at 09:54:21:
You are wrong about this being especially bad... if you turn on our movie channels, they are swarming with garbage like you would not believe, making this one look like a masterpiece. This was a typical Hollywood nothing... heck, I finished the film, which is more than I can say of many others.
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Follow Ups
- You are simply jealous because Jennifer kicks Scarlett's but, plus some - Victor Khomenko 10:01:15 02/14/11 (13)
- RE: You are simply jealous because Jennifer kicks Scarlett's but, plus some - patrickU 11:13:41 02/14/11 (12)
- She looked gorgous in those tight jeans... what more do you need from a movie? - Victor Khomenko 11:16:14 02/14/11 (11)
- We need to send Jennifer a sack of Krystals ever week . . . - mr grits 18:54:27 02/14/11 (0)
- RE: She looked gorgous in those tight jeans... what more do you need from a movie? - patrickU 11:17:57 02/14/11 (9)
- Am I older, or goatier? - Victor Khomenko 16:53:20 02/14/11 (8)
- RE: Am I older, or goatier? - patrickU 04:46:44 02/15/11 (4)
- I'm no goat but....... - HI FI BOB 15:48:00 02/17/11 (1)
- RE: I'm no goat but....... - patrickU 03:33:11 02/18/11 (0)
- AuPh has bigger boobs - Victor Khomenko 05:47:24 02/15/11 (1)
- RE: Maybe but no schlong... - patrickU 04:11:45 02/16/11 (0)
- If you like the domineering, hard-to-handle challenge . . . - mr grits 23:42:26 02/14/11 (0)
- Wokalek is your buddy's less attractive sister...... - mr grits 23:38:12 02/14/11 (0)
- Kruger would do in a rush......lips a tad small but classic... - mr grits 23:35:29 02/14/11 (0)