And what could be more depressing than dying?Why... dying young, of course.
That idea did not escape François Ozon, who decided to leave his mark on the subject with his Time to Leave.
Problem is, at 44 Ozon is no longer young, and he is most definitely not dead... so what on Earth does he know about either side of the equation?
Turns out - not much. The subject is potentially deep and filled with pitfalls, hidden difficulties. Ozon apparently is not aware of them, he simply dumps a few typical chiche's on us in this rather short treatise, and it all ends up being unconvincing, superficial and not too deeply touching. The "unusual" plot twist is not so unusual after all.
Or perhaps it was just an excuse to give us some gay sex scenes? Well, in which case he is 20-30 years too late to the party.
Overall - something better avoided... and if not - easily and quickly forgotten.
Edits: 04/01/11
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Topic - If you are still not depressed enough after Patrick's death posts... - Victor Khomenko 06:13:49 04/01/11 (0)