A rather naive young girl seizes an opportunity to work as a housemaid in an upper class mansion owned by Hoon Goh and his young and beautiful wife, Hae-ra. Eun-yi Li reports to the elder and rather stodgy housekeeper Byung-Sik to learn her position and take directions. The lady of the house is pregnant with twins and the master of the house is the epitome of self-love in the final stage.
Eun-yi Li soon becomes a wide-eyed servant and sex toy of Hoon Goh which results in pregnancy and the plotting of the evil mother-in-law and daughter. Being forced into a drugged abortion, the housemaid is dismissed and becomes obsessed with a final revenge.
This is an interesting character study of innocence vanquished by evil that reveals the cold-blooded nature of the "upper class".
This film is another masterstroke of cinematography, art direction, and screen writing. It has a slow but steady pace that eventually leads to the Eun-yi Li's revenge only to go unappreciated by the family she served.
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Topic - "The Housemaid": Korea can't stop making great films . . . - mr grits 21:02:13 08/13/11 (1)
- Shadows in the Palace - ArdRi 22:01:51 08/13/11 (0)