In Reply to: "The Master and Margarita" had freakish humor. nt posted by tinear on December 8, 2011 at 10:04:08:
...Heart of a Dog.
In that book Bulgakov pulled all the stops, and showed himself as world class master of satire... it is one of the most brilliant works of the Russian 20th century literature, and the film does that work justice with both directing and acting.
Take my word for it - that movie is special.
What... me paying ten bucks???
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Follow Ups
- It was OK, but the best film on Bulgakov's prose, bar none, was... - Victor Khomenko 13:51:46 12/08/11 (1)
- 10 AMERICAN dollars? Whew.... Okay, I'll probably take the plunge, but I wish you'd open a Russian - tinear 13:13:57 12/09/11 (0)